When: 26 Mar 2025 - 28 Mar 2025 This three-day online training course will be taught experientially and we will be developing understanding, confidence and skills in mindfulness-based supervision through a process of mindful exploration and inquiry. Watch a short 5-minute video from our Supervision Lead, Alison Evans: We will explore together the underlying foundations of mindfulness from which come the principles, tasks and functions of mindfulness-based supervision. We will introduce a Mindfulness Supervision Framework that includes a supervisory inquiry process. Discussion and skills practice will help us better understand how the Supervision Framework can be applied in supervision across a spectrum of mindfulness-based approaches, including the supervision of students and teachers, and for those working one to one, and in groups and organisations. Time will be given to practice, reflective time and to exploring together in dialogue in small and large groups as we learn through our individual and collective experience. The intention is to create an open, spacious learning environment that will encourage and support spontaneity and creativity. In order to participate in the training, you will need: As far as possible, please give yourself over to the learning during this time with a minimum of distraction. Pre-requisites: This course is for experienced mindfulness-based teachers and practitioners: Applicants need to: Have completed a recognised teaching training programme – over minimum of 12 months – with a minimum of equivalent of 10 full days of teacher training Please note that we strongly advise only offering supervision in Mindfulness-Based Programmes (MBPs) that you are familiar with and experienced in teaching. If you are unsure whether you meet the criteria for this course, please contact us to discuss. Participants must commit to the entire online training. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, we are unable to negotiate late arrivals or early leaving. If this is not possible, please contact us to discuss before submitting an application. Location: This will be an online event – a Zoom link for the whole training will be sent out prior to the start date. About the Trainers: Our trainers are all members of the Bangor University Centre for Mindfulness training team. All have been extensively trained in this approach and engage in a rigorous ongoing process of training and supervision. We use strict criteria when selecting teachers/trainers to work with us. The name of the specific trainer(s) for this event is at the top of this page. Just click on the trainer's name to find out more about him/her.
Where: Online Event
Tutors: Alison Evans, Sarah Millband
What to bring:
Please have access to a copy of the handbook, paper and pen.
The course will run from 9am - 5pm each day.
Please note: these timings are in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
All times are UK. If you are attending from a different time zone, please check equivalent timings in your time zone.
Our rates:
Our rates have no hidden extras:
Standard rate – £456.00
Bursary-assisted places are available on this event until three months before the event starts. If it is less than three months before the start date of the event, please get in touch to discuss if an application is possible. When applying for a bursary-assisted place, please first register on the event and select the fee ‘I’m applying for a bursary-assisted place’. Once you have registered for the event you will also need to complete and return a bursary application form.
To find out more about our bursary schemes, criteria for bursary applications and to complete the bursary application form please visit: https://home.mindfulness-network.org/bursaries/
Employer's rate: Recognising the administrative overhead of dealing with employers, we will add a £50 surcharge if the employer is paying directly; where possible we would advise applicants to pay themselves and reclaim on expenses to avoid the charge.
The Application and Payment Process:
Our application and payment process involves the following steps:
- We receive your application form and assess it to ensure that this event is suitable for you. We endeavour to make assessments within a week.
- Upon offering you a place, we will then invoice you for the full amount.
- Your place is fully confirmed once we receive your full payment.
- We will email you the joining instructions in advance of the course.
Payment and Cancellation Policy:
Please read our Terms and Conditions for information regarding payments and cancellations.
Contact Us:
Please feel free to email us at supervision@mindfulness-network.org to discuss any questions you may have about the course or whether it is appropriate for you at this time. We will ensure that your query reaches the correct person.
Click here to sign up to this event.