Course Information

Retreat: A weekend retreat for mindfulness-based supervisors, mentors and leaders

When: 17 Jan 2026 - 18 Jan 2026
Where: Online Event
Tutors: Alison Evans, Sarah Millband

About the retreat

This retreat weekend provides an opportunity to come together with other supervisors, mentors, and leaders and immerse ourselves in practice. The focus for the retreat will be mindfulness and compassion practice-based explorations linked with being in embodied dialogue when in a supportive role. We use a mindfulness-based supervision framework to guide our explorations, working with the Warp elements, namely the Container (Intention, Embodied Presence, Integrity, Compassion-Wisdom), Space and Embodied Inquiry. Exploring these relationships through the lens of practice opens a space to bring the work right into the practice, with the aspiration to take the practice right into the work.

Specifically, we will explore:

· How can our practice support us in communication? How can we find and work with space and pausing?

· How do we want to be in the relationship? How do we see the place of intention in relationship? How do we recognise the qualities and attitudes which underpin the relationship?

· How can we be present and embody compassion and wisdom? How might practice support compassion and wisdom within the supervision space and relationship?

· How do we hold integrity as a foundation for the supervisory relationship? How might practice support working with mutuality? How might we bring awareness and sensitivity to possible power dynamics?

The weekend will include a mix of guided practices, stillness and movement, personal reflection, mindful dialogue around the themes of supporting others and time for informal practice between the scheduled sessions. We offer an optional evening and early morning practice to help keep the container of a retreat for the whole weekend for those who can join.

This day can be a stand-alone event or combined with the retreat day of practice for mindfulness-based supervisors, mentors and leaders as part of the Supervision Training Pathway.

Who is the retreat for?

People with an existing mindfulness-based practice who use an embodied mindful dialogue in their professional/work setting to support others with growth, learning, skills development, well-being and a mindful approach to work (this work may be in the early stages of growth).

For example:

  • mindfulness-based supervisors/mentors who are supervising teachers of mindfulness, e.g. curricula-based programmes, one-on-one work, introductions to mindfulness, and other innovations
  • those working in other settings who are bringing a mindful approach to the supervision, mentoring or coaching that they offer, e.g. clinicians and those working in educational settings
  • those in leadership positions who are bringing a mindful approach to their relationships at work and the dialogues with individuals and groups

Continuing Professional Development for those in supervising/mentoring/leadership roles who are wishing to refresh their own practice as a way of underpinning their mindfulness-based work and who would like to connect in community with other independent practitioners in similar roles.

Pre-requisites for attending:

This online practice retreat is suitable for mindfulness-based practitioners who:

  • have a regular and sustained mindfulness practice
  • are engaged in mindfulness-based work
  • bring a mindful approach to the supervisory, leadership, and/or mentoring roles and relationships they are in  

We recommend our Supervision Training Level 1 as an adjunct to our practice days, either before or after.

Participants must commit to the entire day. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, we are unable to negotiate late arrivals or early leaving. If this is not possible, please contact us to discuss before submitting an application.

The Facilitators:

Alison and Sarah’s biographies are in a link at the top of this page - click on their names to find out more about them.


9.30 am – 5.00 pm (12.30 – 2.00 for an opportunity to eat and continue practising informally – we do encourage this time to be a continuation of the retreat space)

Optional evening practice 7.00 – 8.00 pm on Saturday 17th January 2026

Optional morning practice 7.00 – 8.00 am on Sunday 18th January 2026

Please note all times are UK (GMT)

Preparation for the event and what you will need:

To participate in the retreat you will need:

  • A room where you can close the door and engage away from distractions.
  • Confidentiality must be maintained by ensuring that those who are not at the event cannot see your screen or hear the audio. It may be helpful to use headphones.
  • Log in via a computer that is resting on a hard surface and which has audio and a webcam. Please don’t use handheld devices.
  • A space for practice, a mat, cushion, and blanket may be helpful for your comfort.

Online information:

The retreat will take place via Zoom - a weblink and joining instructions will be sent to you before the workshop takes place.

Please add to your safe senders list and check your spam/junk folder for communication from us.


Full Rate of Online Event - £196

Bursary-assisted places are available on this event until 6 weeks before the event starts, we encourage early applications. If you would like to apply for a bursary-assisted place less than 6 weeks before the start date of the event please get in touch to discuss if an application is possible.  When applying for a bursary-assisted place, please first register on the event and select the fee ‘I’m applying for a bursary-assisted place’. Once you have registered for the event you will also need to complete and return a bursary application form.

To find out more about our bursary schemes, criteria for bursary applications and to complete the bursary application form please visit:

Employer's rate - Recognising the large administrative overhead of dealing with employers, we will be adding a £50 surcharge if the employer is paying directly; where possible we would advise applicants to pay themselves and reclaim on expenses to avoid the charge.

The Application and Payment Process:

Our application and payment process involves the following steps:

  1. We receive your application form and assess it to ensure this course is suitable for you. We endeavour to make assessments within a week but if the retreat leader is on annual leave or on retreat then this can take a little longer.
  2. Upon offering you a place we will issue an invoice for the full amount.
  3. Your place is confirmed once we receive full payment.
  4. We will email you the joining instructions in advance of the course.

Payment and Cancellation Policy:

Please read our Terms and Conditions for information regarding payments and cancellations.

For more information:

Please email us at

Click here to sign up to this event.