Course Information

Specialist Training: Mindfulness in the Workplace

When: 27 Sep 2025 - 8 Nov 2025
Where: Online Event
Tutors: Ted Meissner, Bethan Roberts

Offering mindfulness in the workplace has the potential to increase wellbeing and  resilience; support capacity for creativity and collaboration; and to enhance people’s ability to reduce stress, stay agile and maintain focus in the midst of complexity.  

The multitude of different organisational structures, ranging from small charities and start-ups to global corporations and conglomerates means that one style of delivery does not fit all. This specialist training supports those interested in bringing mindfulness into workplaces through the process of developing skills and experience and creating and delivering a plan for implementation.

This training will be of greatest benefit to those who already have a clear route to workplace delivery – either because they are already situated in a workplace context and understand how such an offering might be placed, or because they are freelancers with links to organisations.

Who is it for? 

  • Those interested in bringing a mindfulness-based approach to workplace contexts by way of holding mindfulness practice sessions, team ‘introduction to mindfulness’ training, mindful coaching, mindful management training, or wider mindfulness for resilience and wellbeing workplace offerings.
  • Those who have previously trained to teach a mindfulness-based program curriculum that want to learn how to deliver a more varied offer within the workplace.
  • Organisations wanting to implement a holistic and integrated mindfulness-based approach.  

Learning Aims:  

  • Further develop mindfulness teaching skills
  • Understand specific considerations for delivering mindfulness in workplace settings.
  • Determine effective strategies for introducing and growing mindfulness in different workplace settings
  • Learn ways to structure and scale your offerings in a way that is appropriate to your context
  • Explore ways of creating a self-sustaining support network.

Pre-requisites for attending:

  • Participants need to have been meditating regularly for at least six months using practices that are compatible with mindfulness-based approaches.
  • Participation in an eight-week mindfulness-based program would be of benefit and is a requirement for anyone teaching a mindfulness-based program curriculum.
  • Attendance at the Mindfulness Network Essentials training or equivalent

Nb. This training is not curriculum based. If you want to teach Mindfulness-based Program curricula as part of this approach, you will also need to complete the relevant Curriculum Specialist (such as MBSR, MBCT).

Participants must commit to the entire online training. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, we are unable to negotiate late arrivals or early leaving.  If this is not possible, please contact us to discuss before submitting an application.

Please note this training involves a commitment to interim between session home practice and peer group work.

About the trainers:

The trainers specialise in this approach and engage in a rigorous ongoing process of training and supervision.


This will be an online event - a zoom link for the whole training will be sent out prior to the start date.

In order to participate in the training, you will need:

  • A room where you can close the door and engage in the training away from family distraction. It may be helpful to use headphones.
  • Log in via a computer which is resting on a hard surface and which has audio and webcam. Please don’t use handheld devices to log in.
  • When you are not speaking, please turn on mute to reduce background noise.

What to bring/wear:

Please wear comfortable clothing with layers. Mats, cushions, stools would be helpful to have available to support your practice space at home.

Dates & Timings:

The 4 taught sessions will be delivered via zoom on Saturdays  27th Sept,  11th October, 25th October and 8th November - all sessions 1pm - 5pm

In the intervening weeks there will be 3 scheduled online peer led sessions: Saturdays 4th October, 18th October, 1st November  - all sessions 1pm - 3.30pm

A follow up session will also be available on Saturday 31st January 2026, 1pm - 3pm

Please note all times are UK, please adjust if joining from alternative timezones

Our rates:

Our rates have no hidden extras.

Standard rate – £479

Bursary-assisted places are available on this event until 6 weeks before the event starts, we encourage early applications. If you would like to apply for a bursary-assisted place less than 6 weeks before the start date of the event please get in touch to discuss if an application is possible.  When applying for a bursary-assisted place, please first register on the event and select the fee ‘I’m applying for a bursary-assisted place’. Once you have registered for the event you will also need to complete and return a bursary application form.  

To find out more about our bursary schemes, criteria for bursary applications and to complete the bursary application form please visit:  

Employer's rate: Recognising the large administrative overhead of dealing with employers, there is a £50 surcharge if the employer is paying directly; where possible we would advise applicants to pay themselves and reclaim on expenses to avoid the charge. 

The application process:

Our application and payment process involve the following steps:

  1. We receive your application form and assess it to ensure that this event is suitable for you. We endeavour to make assessments within a week.
  2. Upon offering you a place, we will then invoice for the full amount.
  3. Your place is confirmed once we receive your deposit or full payment.
  4. We will email you the joining instructions in advance of the course.

Payment and cancellation policy:

Please read our Terms and Conditions for information regarding payments and cancellations.

Other information:

Please see the British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches (BAMBA) for good practice guidelines and other information for mindfulness-based teachers.

Contact us:

Please feel free to email us at to discuss any questions you may have about the course or whether it is appropriate for you at this time. We will ensure that your query reaches the correct person. 

Click here to sign up to this event.