Cesare is a qualified and registered (BAMBA) mindfulness (MBSR/MBCT) and compassion teacher (MBCL) and supervisor. He has completed training with the Oxford Mindfulness Centre, Sussex Mindfulness Centre (NHS), The Mindfulness Network and the Mindfulness in Schools Project. He has been delivering mindfulness tasters, workshops, courses and retreats in the public, private and third sectors since 2015. Cesare is also a qualified integrative psychotherapeutic counsellor (BACP) and a clinical supervisor.
Cesare’s personal meditation practice has been developing since 2007, mainly within the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and he continues to receive meditation instruction and guidance from internationally recognised meditation teachers and their senior students. He has been teaching meditation within that context to his local community since 2013 through Bodhicharya Kent, under the guidance of his main teacher, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche.
Cesare has had a personal interest in health, fitness and nutrition, including martial arts, weight training and running from his early teens onwards. He recognises personally and professionally the importance of skilfully integrating the mind and body for a greater sense of wholeness in experience, embodied presence and well-being in life. Through his own mind-body work in general and running in particular, he sees how the addition of an open, kind-awareness in stillness and movement, provides an opportunity for this to naturally unfold and is passionate about exploring and sharing this with others.