Michael Chaskalson

I have been practising mindfulness and related disciplines since the mid-1970s, much of that in the context of residential Buddhist communities and retreat centres.

In the late 1970s, I co-founded a Fair-Trade company that built rapidly to sales of over £10 million – so I also have the experience of running a hectic start-up. Leaving that in the late 1980s, I went back to full-time meditation, study, writing and so on.

In 2002 I joined the Master’s programme run by the CMRP at Bangor, was their first graduate, and taught on the programme for several years.

Since then, I have come to work increasingly in organisational contexts around the world, partly through my company Mindfulness Works Ltd. and partly in business schools.

I have written a number of books, chapters and papers around mindfulness in general as well as its application in leadership, coaching and at work.

I’m a Professor of Practice, adjunct at Ashridge Executive Education at Hult International Business School; an associate at the Møller Institute at Churchill College in the University of Cambridge; and I contribute to MBA and executive education programme at London Business School.



I have a BA (Hons) in philosophy from the University of East Anglia and an MA in Mindfulness-based approaches from Bangor University.


Further Information

I live in Cambridge, UK, with my wife Annette and with Ruby – a bouncy cavapoochon. I’m currently working on a book about Awakening.

I can be contacted via email at michael@mindfulnessworks.com