Application Form

Compassion: MSC Online Intensive Foundation Training
Application for a waiting list place.

Terms & Conditions
We never share your information. However, if you would like to subscribe to our newsletter to receive information about our forthcoming courses and events, please tick this box.

I confirm by ticking this box that I have read the course description and relevant information sheets and understand and agree to the Terms & Conditions of the Mindfulness Network.

About you

Please provide emergency contact details below:

I am a Mindfulness Network Associate:
Please provide further information:
Your Mindfulness experience and practice

Course fees

Recognising the administrative overhead of dealing with employers, we will be adding a £50 surcharge if the employer is paying directly; where possible we would recommend that applicants pay themselves and reclaim on expenses to avoid the charge. Responsibility for payment remains with the attendee. Please note: If your employer is paying, a deposit option will not be available, and the full amount will be invoiced.

Please tick to confirm you have read the above information

Please provide further details of where to send your invoice:

Your physical and mental health
It is helpful for us to have some information about you so that we can best meet your needs at the event. Please provide information, if possible, to the following questions:

Please provide further information:
It is important to us to be able to fully welcome everyone. If you have any specific needs relating to disability or health conditions, including difficulties with hearing, please contact us before the event so that we can discuss ways that we can support you during the event.
Do you have any mental or physical health issues or concerns, or have you experienced recent challenging life events that would be useful for the trainers to know about?
Please provide further information:

Once your application form has been received we will be in contact with you to complete your booking for this event.