Course Information

MBI:TAC Training: Level 1 - Introduction to the tool

When: 20 Feb 2024 - 19 Mar 2024
Where: Online Event
Tutors: Vici Williams, Lynn Koerbel

Supporting the Inner Teacher with the MBI:TAC: Cultivating Reflection, Embodiment and Competence

The Bangor, Exeter and Oxford Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Teaching Assessment Criteria (MBI:TAC) is a framework outlining key competencies in the teaching of mindfulness-based programs , The MBI:TAC has become an important support both to trainees as they reflect on their personal development, as well as supervisors and trainers, as they support the formative development of skilful teaching in others

Watch a short, 5-minute video from Rebecca Crane:

Who is the training for?

This entry level training to develops familiarity with the domains of teaching competency and course is suited to those who are interested in using the MBI:TAC as a tool to support their own personal development as a mindfulness-based teacher. MBITAC Level 1 training is also the first step forestablished mindfulness-based teachers who are in roles which involve supporting others to grow their mindfulness-based teaching skills through training, supervision and assessment. The course is anchored in the curriculums of MBSR and MBCT but is relevant and open to those teaching other curriculums.

 What is involved?

This workshop aims to develop participants’ familiarity with the domains and key features of teaching competency and the way these represent when watching the teaching of others. It will include presentations on the background and context for the development of the tool, on its structure and on how to:

1. bring objectivity and rigor into our personal development as mindfulness teachers,

2. form the foundation for the use of the tool in Mindfulness Supervision and training (explored further in level 2)

3. create basic understanding required for assessment of teaching competency (skills that are developed and refined in levels 2 and 3)

Participants will have an opportunity to watch audio visual clips of different elements of mindfulness-based teaching, followed by explorations of and training in the use of the MBI:TAC to reliably recognize the ‘key features’ in the 6 Domains of MBI-TAC There will be a focus on a personal and collective exploration of integrity in mindfulness-based teaching and the use of the MBI:TAC as a ‘lens’ through which to engage in this exploration.

The course will take place over 5 x 3 hour sessions on Tuesdays: 20th, 27th February and 5th, 12th and 19th March from 1 - 4pm on each of the dates.

As far as possible give yourself over to the learning during this time with a minimum of distraction.

 Key learning objectives:

The workshop aims to:

  1. 1. examine the particular nature of integrity in mindfulness-based teaching

    2. present the rationale for the development of the MBI:TAC

    3. Develop familiarity with the domains and key features of teaching competency

    4. develop knowledge of the design and structure of the MBI:TAC

    5. acquire practice skills in reviewing mindfulness-based teaching using the MBI:TAC

    6. discuss the potential and limitations of the MBI:TAC

Pre-requisites for attending:

  • Completion of foundation training in Mindfulness such as The Essentials or the Teacher Training Retreat Level 1 or equivalent
  • Commitment to an ongoing daily personal mindfulness-based practice, based on MBSR/MBCT practices.

Key references and pre-workshop reading:

The following are available for download at

Crane, R.S., Eames, C., Kuyken, W., Hastings, R. P.1, Williams, J.M.G., Bartley, T., Evans, A.,Silverton, S., Soulsby, J.G., Surawy, C. (2013) Development and validation of the Mindfulness-Based Interventions – Teaching Assessment Criteria (MBI:TAC), Assessment,  doi: 10.1177/1073191113490790  

Crane R.S., Kuyken, W., Williams, J. M. G., Hastings, R., Cooper, L., Fennell, M.J.V. (2012), Competence in teaching mindfulness-based courses:  concepts, development, and assessment, Mindfulness, 3, 76-84. DOI: 10.1007/s12671-011-0073-2  

Crane, R.S., Soulsby, J.G., Kuyken, W., Williams, J.M.G., Eames, C., (2012) The Bangor, Exeter & Oxford Mindfulness-Based Interventions Teaching Assessment Criteria (MBI:TAC) for assessing the competence and adherence of mindfulness-based class-based teaching (

Participants are recommended to purchase a copy of the book 'Essential Resources for Mindfulness Teachers' edited by Rebecca S. Crane, Karunavira and Gemma M. Griffith from the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice at Bangor University, Wales, UK. This text will be utilised throughout the training programme and we are pleased to offer a publisher's discount of 20%: 

What to bring/wear:

Please wear comfortable clothing, as we will be doing some practices together. 

The latest version of the MBITAC can be freely downloaded here:

The trainers:

Our trainers are all members of the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP) training team. All have been extensively trained in this approach and engage in a rigorous ongoing process of training and supervision. We use strict criteria when selecting teachers/trainers to work with us. The name of the specific trainer(s) for this event is at the top of this page. Just click on the trainer name to find out more about him/her.


This will be an online event - a zoom link for the training will be sent out prior to the start date.

In order to participate in the training, you will need:

  • A room where you can close the door and engage in the training away from family distraction. As we will be showing clips of teaching, it is particularly important that confidentiality is maintained by ensuring that those who are not on the training cannot see your screen or hear the audio. It may be helpful to use headphones.
  • Log in via a computer which is resting on a hard surface and which has audio and webcam. Please don’t use handheld devices to log in.
  • When you are not speaking turn on mute to reduce background noise.


The course will take place over 5 x 3 hour sessions on Tuesdays: 20th, 27th February and 5th, 12th and 19th March from 1 - 4pm on each of the dates.

Please note: these timings are UK time (GMT)

Our rates:

Our rates have no hidden extras:

Standard rate – £342

Bursary-assisted places are available on this event until three months before the event starts. If it is less than three months before the start date of the event, please get in touch to discuss if an application is possible.  When applying for a bursary-assisted place, please first register on the event and select the fee ‘I’m applying for a bursary-assisted place’. Once you have registered for the event you will also need to complete and return a bursary application form.  

To find out more about our bursary schemes, criteria for bursary applications and to complete the bursary application form please visit:

Employer’s rate: Recognising the large administrative overhead of dealing with employers, we will be adding a £50 surcharge if the employer is paying directly; where possible we would advise applicants to pay themselves and reclaim on expenses to avoid the charge. 

The application process:

Our application and payment process involves the following steps:

  1. We receive your application form and assess it to ensure that this event is suitable for you. We endeavour to make assessments within a week.
  2. Upon offering you a place, we will then invoice you for the full amount.
  3. Your place is fully confirmed once we receive your full payment.
  4. We will email you the joining instructions in advance of the course.

Payment and cancellation policy:

Please read our Terms and Conditions for information regarding payments and cancellations.

 Other information:

Please see the British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches (BAMBA) for good practice guidelines and other information for mindfulness-based teachers.

Certificate of Attendance. Please note that we give a Bangor University Certificate of Attendance that details the nature of the course and the hours involved. However, this does not constitute an authorisation to teach mindfulness-based approaches. The development and interest in the potential of mindfulness within a range of settings is rapidly growing and training processes are therefore becoming more structured. Within the UK, though, there are currently no formal qualifications/certification processes which regulate competency in teaching mindfulness-based approaches. This requires those of us working in this developing field to inquedeeply into our own practice, our integrity and our intentions, as well as the boundaries of our skills, competencies and understandings. 

Contact us:

Please feel free to email us at to discuss any questions you may have about the course or whether it is appropriate for you at this time. We will ensure that your query reaches the correct person.

Click here to sign up to this event.